I’m Gwendolyn Clare (he/she/they), and I write fantasy and science fiction.

My young adult novels include the Ink, Iron, and Glass duology (Imprint/Macmillan) about steampunk mad scientist teens, and the In the City of Time duology (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan) about time-traveling physicist teens.

My short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, Asimov’s, Analog, Fantasy & Science Fiction, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and my poetry has been nominated for the Rhysling Award. I’m represented by Jennifer Azantian of Azantian Literary Agency.

I’m a New Englander transplanted to central Pennsylvania, with long stops in Chicago and North Carolina along the way. I have a BA in Ecology, a BS in Geophysics, and a PhD in Mycology, which completes my acronym collection (for now, at least). I loved the fieldwork aspect of being a scientist, and I’ve been lucky enough to work in awesome places like Italy, Australia, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guyana. I taught college biology for the better part of a decade, but I’m currently taking a break from it to focus on writing.

I enjoy playing tabletop RPGs, adopting feral cats, lifting weights, and overstaying my welcome in local coffee shops. I’m still in the market for a cybernetic left arm, though my rotator cuff seems to have forgiven me for past transgressions and started functioning properly again.