Short Fiction

Lighthouse Waiting” in Shimmer (September 2018)

“The Selves We Leave Behind” in Analog (March 2018)

“Ghost-Limbed Pilot” in Ares (forthcoming, issue #5)

“Tasting Notes on the Varietals of the Southern Coast” in Fantasy & Science Fiction (Sept/Oct 2017)

“Unbearable Burden” in Analog (March/April 2017)

“Waracabra Tigers” in Deep Magic (February 2017)

Nothing but the Sky” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies (June 2016)

“Very Long Conversations” in Analog (June 2015)

“A Thousand Stones for Hesek” in Space and Time (Spring 2015)

“Holding the Ghosts” in Asimov’s (March 2015)

Indelible” in Clarkesworld (February 2015)

“It Gets Bigger” in Asimov’s (December 2014)

Butterfly House” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies (October 2014)

“Stone to Stone, Blood to Blood” in Asimov’s (August 2013)

“Call Down the Snow” in Bull Spec (Spring 2013)

Threads of Pearl, Writhing” in Buzzy Mag (March 2013)

The Dying Season” in Daily Science Fiction (November 2012)

All the Painted Stars” in Clarkesworld (January 2012)
reprinted in Galactic Empires (January 2017)

“A Claw from the Western Paradise” in Triangulation: Last Contact, Jamie Lackey & Steve Ramey, eds. (July 2011)

“Grotesque Angels” in Bewere the Night, Ekaterina Sedia, ed. (April 2011)

Iron Oxide Red” in Daily Science Fiction (March 2011)

Perfect Lies” in Clarkesworld (March 2011)

“Ashes on the Water” in Asimov’s (January 2011)

“The Other Lila” in Bull Spec (Summer 2010)

“Driving X” in Warrior Wisewoman 3, Roby James, ed. (August 2010)

Prelude to Battle” in Abyss and Apex (3rd Quarter 2010)

Audio Versions

Holding the Ghosts” read by Dionne Obeso for Escape Pod (January 2017)

Stone to Stone, Blood to Blood” read by Jonathan Sharp for StarShipSofa (May 2015)

Indelible” read by Kate Baker for Clarkesworld (February 2015)

Butterfly House” read by Folly Blaine for Beneath Ceaseless Skies (October 2014)

Ashes on the Water” read by Mur Lafferty for Escape Pod (September 2012)

The Other Lila” read by Naomi Mercer for Drabblecast (May 2012)

All the Painted Stars” read by Kate Baker for Clarkesworld (January 2012)

Driving X” read by Mur Lafferty for Escape Pod (November 2011)

Perfect Lies” read by Kate Baker for Clarkesworld (March 2011)

Poetry and Flash Fiction:

The Existentialist Men” in Diabolical Plots (June 2017)

“The Narrow Hours” in Bull Spec (Spring 2013)
nominated for the Rhysling Award

Uttu’s Garden” in Abyss and Apex (1st Quarter 2010)

Brass Canaries” in Flash Fiction Online (December 2009)